Kruse Western Renewable Fuels is leading the effort and partnering with local California dairies to clean our air, help reduce GHG emissions and adopt low NOx technology with CNG trucks. Our focus is on providing sustainable fuel solutions and planning for the future while staying true to our values.
RNG in the form of CNG.
We proudly source Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) from San Joaquin Valley dairies which capture methane and direct it away from the environment, repurposing it as a clean, green energy source. This carbon negative fuel, used as transportation fuel in the form of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), is an answer to the question of both affordability and sustainability.

Passing the
on to you.
Diesel trucks are the single largest source of air pollution in the San Joaquin Valley. By making the switch to CNG, you can save our air and reduce your costs.
Heavy-duty CNG-fueled trucks are commercially available now
1:1 Replacement of diesel technology
Less expensive than battery electric or hydrogen options
Lighter tanks
Extra hauling capacity
More affordable fuel
No DEF necessary
Why Invest in
CNG trucks
vs electric?
case studies.
We are passionate about and committed to sustainability within our industry. Check out the case studies below to see what we’ve been doing to lead the effort in reducing carbon and methane emissions.
Make the
If you are interested in making the switch to CNG, reach out to Kruse Western Renewable Fuels today! Our in-house experts are always available to help truck owners through the process of locating the right CNG truck while ensuring you get the best price and help applying for grants. For questions or grant writing assistance, click below to contact us.